
National Director

Phillip Cook


Phillip was born in Shelby County Alabama on April 30, 1965.  In 1976 his family moved to Jemison, Alabama.  Phillip graduated from Jemison High School in 1983.  He married his wife, Lesa, in 1984.  They have one son, Clay.  Phillip went to work as a Stone Mason for a large company in Bessemer, Alabama.  In 1994 he opened his own Tile Business and in 2000 opened a Marble & Granite Shop.  Currently, He manages his own Residential & Commercial Properties.

In April 1988 Phillip was under the conviction of the Holy Spirit and accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. (Thank You Jesus!)   He followed up with believer’s baptism and joined Mineral Springs Baptist Church.  He was ordained as a deacon in 1996.  He has served as Brotherhood Director, Sunday School Director, and taught Sunday School and Discipleship Training Classes.  Phillip has a love for sharing God’s word through local & foreign missions.  This has lead him to serving locally with the county’s jail ministry and taken him as far as trips to Nicaragua & Guatemala.   He has been involved with the Chilton Baptist Builders since 1996 and is currently serving on the board of directors.  This group travels the U.S. and constructs new church buildings.  He currently attends Enon Baptist Church in Montevallo, Al. where he serves as a deacon and works with the kid’s ministry and bus ministry.

While at Mineral Springs Baptist Church several couples began riding motorcycles and a short time later started a F.A.I.T.H. Rider chapter.  Phillip served as the event coordinator and now is honored to serve as the State Coordinator for Alabama.

He must become greater, I must become less.  John 3:30

E-MAIL Phillip Cook


National Chaplain



I was born in 1965 in Santa Barbara, CA.  I married my wife, Sherry, in 1988 in LaFayette, AL.  We have 2 daughters and 4 grandchildren.  I surrendered my life to Christ in 1990 and was called into the ministry the same year.  I began pastoring in 1994 and am currently in my third pastorate at Cottonton Baptist Church in Cottonton, AL.  I have been a part of FAITH Riders since 2011 and have been a part of starting chapters in my last two churches.  I am enjoying serving as the FAITH Riders National Chaplain and look forward to helping disciple others to evangelize the lost through this ministry.



National Road Captain


Rob Pocheck

Rob Pochek was born in Southern Illinois in 1970 to parents who both rode motorcycles. In fact, his mother rode her own bike during her pregnancy, so, technically, he was riding before he was born! His first official motorcycle was a Honda Trail 70. While in college he met and married Susan. They were married in 1989, and they have two adult children. In 2005, he began riding street bikes. As of March 2020, he has ridden over 165,000 miles on the road and has made three cross country trips. In April of 2018, he completed the Motorcycle Safety Foundation’s RiderCoach Training. He currently coaches at the Motorcycle Safety Center of Virginia. He currently rides a 2016 Harley Davidson Ultra Limited and a 2016 Yamaha FJR1300A. 

In addition to his motorcycle pursuits, Rob has served as the Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church in Charlottesville since April 2016. Before that, he served churches in North Carolina, Illinois and Missouri. He has a M.Div. and a Ph.D. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC. 



National Merchandise Director


National Merchandise Director: Sherry McNeill

Alabama has been home for me most of my life. I have lived in different areas of south Alabama but have been in the Cottonwood area since 1972. I have 2 daughters, a wonderful son-in-love, 4 grandchildren, and 1 great-granddaughter. They all live close so spending time with family is one of the many blessings we enjoy.

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior when I was 8 years old.  As I grew up, I realized more and more that Christ not only wanted to be my Savior, but He also had to be my Lord.  As a teenager, I recommitted my life to Him as Savior and Lord and followed up with believer’s baptism.  I can honestly say that He has been faithful to lead and guide my life, never forsake me, and forgive me when I’ve stepped out of His will for my life and asked His forgiveness. 

God led Pat and I to start attending Memphis Baptist Church which has a very active F.A.I.T.H. Riders Chapter.  We prayed about joining the Ministry and in 2012 we joined F.A.I.T.H. Riders and have never looked back.  The F.A.I.T.H. Riders Ministry has helped us grow in our faith and become more intentional in sharing Christ with those around us.

I began looking for ways to give back to the ministry, at first through my local chapter, then with our State.  When the opportunity became available to serve as the National Merchandise Coordinator, I felt God had opened doors of opportunity to serve this ministry on a broader scale which has been my prayer.  I thank you, my F.A.I.T.H. Riders family, for this opportunity and the Lord for His faithfulness in giving us the desires of our heart when we put it in His hands.




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